Friday, March 20, 2009

4-year-old Conversation

Lately I have been having the best conversations with Clint. Last week as we were leaving the wedding (mind you the boys had already eaten and had cake minutes before this took place). We were walking to the car and this is the conversation that I had with Clint.

Clint: "We need to go to a restaurant."
Me: "We do?"
Clint: "Yes"
Me: "We just ate."
Clint: "But going to a restaurant will be so fun"
Me: "How bout if you sleep on the way home and maybe we will stop in Wickenburg and bring something home and you can eat it tomorrow."
Clint: "That is just a bad idea."

Where do they come up with this stuff.

As a side note. Douglas is no longer going by his given name he is now going by Buzz Lightyear. as he holds his arm out and says "to infinite and beyond"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tell buzz i love him!

first fishing trip

first fishing trip
feeding the ducks while fishing